이시스, 자신을 찬양하다 – Cyme의 비문

Isis Speaks Her Own Praises: An Epigraphic Hymn from Cyme


터키 서부 해안에 있는 Cyme(혹은 Kyme, Phriconis, 현재의 넴루트Nemrut 근처)에 있는 여신(Goddess)의 사원에 1~2세기에 작성된 것으로 보이는 비문(碑文)을 소개하겠다. 이 비문은 아리탈로지(aretalogy)의 형태를 취하며, 이시스 자신의 정체성과 역활에 대한 찬양문이다. 이집트 멤피스에 있는 헤파이스토스(Hephastus) 신전에 있던 비(stele)에서 복사했다고 전해진다. 비슷한 형태로 Andros, los, Nysa 등의 명문(銘文)이 있다.


* 이시스 – 이집트 신화 : http://yellow.kr/blog/?p=1534



– Kyme의 유적


※ 출처 : IG, Supplement 12, ed.  F. Hiller von Gaertringen (Berlin, 1939), pp. 98-99, original translation

Demetrius son of Artemidorus, also known as Thraseas, of Magnesia on the River Maeander, (fulfilled his) vow to Isis. The following was copied from a stone tablet in the city of Memphis, which stood near the Temple of Hephastus:


It is I who am Isis, the mistress of every land, and who was taught by Hermes, and who, with Hermes, invented writing, both hieroglyphics and the cursive script so that not every text might be written in the same style of script.

It is I who gave and ordained laws for men, which no one is able to change.

It is I who am the eldest daughter of Kronos.

It is I who am wife and sister of King Osiris.

It is I who am discoverer of crops for men.

It is I who am mother of King Horus.

It is I who rise in the Dog Star.

It is I who am called “goddess” by women.

It is by me that the city of Bubastis was built.

It is I who divided earth from heaven.

It is I who showed the courses of the stars.

It is I who ordered thr course of the sun and the moon.

It is I who discovered maritime trade.

It is I who made justice strong.

It is I who joined woman and man together.

It is I who appoint to woman to bring their infants to birth in the ninth[Greek: “tenth”] month.

It is I who ordained that parents should be loved by children.

It is I who laid punishment upon those who have no natural affection toward their parents.

It is I who together with my brother Osiris brought an end to cannibalism.

It is I who revealed mysteries to men.

It is I who taught men to honor images og the gods.

It is I who established sacred precincts of the gods.

It is I who dissolved despotic governments.

It is I who ended murders.

It is I who compelled women to be loved by men.

It is I who made the right to be stronger than gold and silver.

It is I who ordained that truth should be thought to be good.

It is I who devised marriage contracts.

It is I who assigned to Greeks and barbarians their languages.

It is I who made a distinction in nature between the beautiful and the shameful.

It is I who ordained that nothing should be more feared than an oath…….

It is I who am in the rays of the sun.

It is I who attend the movement of the sun.

Whatever I think well of, that comes to pass.

Throught me things are right.

It is I who set free those in bondage……

It is I who raised up islands out of the depths into the light of day.

It is I who am mistress of rainstorms.

It is I who conquer Fate;

It is I whom fate obeys.




<참고자료 및 관련자료>





Paganism and Christianity, 100-425 C.E.: A Sourcebook

이시스, 자신을 찬양하다 – Cyme의 비문

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